Wahl GroomEase Rechargeable Multigroomer 11 Piece Kit — Black


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Wahl GroomEase Recharge­able Multi­groomer 11 Piece Kit — Black

  • PRECISION CUTTING BLADES — We only use high pre­ci­sion blade grind­ing tech­nol­o­gy, ensur­ing the best cut­ting per­for­mance for you
  • VERSATILE STYLING – This ver­sa­tile multi­groomer come with 3 inter­change­able heads, 3 close trim attach­ment combs and a 5‑position guide comb pro­vid­ing cut­ting lengths from 1.5mm to 12mm. The self-sharp­en­ing blades can achieve close cut and is the per­fect tool to shave your face and body
  • MULTIPLE CUTTYING LENGTHS – Select from the comb attach­ments and achieve cut­ting lengths of 1.5mm for close shav­ing and 12mm for tidy trim­ming
  • CORDLESS — Cord­less oper­a­tion gives you free­dom of move­ment and with up to 90 min­utes of con­tin­u­ous use from a sin­gle charge and you can use your trim­mer any­where
  • COMFORTABLE TO USE — Ergonom­i­cal­ly designed to give you max­i­mum con­trol

Wahl GroomEase Recharge­able Multi­groomer 11 Piece Kit

This ver­sa­tile Recharge­able Multi­groomer is the only tool you need to main­tain a well-groomed appear­ance, with 3 inter­change­able heads and 4 attach­ment combs offer­ing a wide range of styling options.

The trim­mer and trim­mer blade is per­fect for side­burns, beards and body hair, switch to the shaver head for ultra-close shav­ing and the rotary head safe­ly and pain­less­ly removes unwant­ed ear and nose hair. Per­son­alise your style with 3 x close trim attach­ment combs and a 5 posi­tion guide-comb, pro­vid­ing cut­ting lengths from 1.5mm to 12mm.

Cord­less oper­a­tion gives you free­dom of move­ment and with up to 90 min­utes of con­tin­u­ous use from a sin­gle charge you don’t have to wor­ry about being short of pow­er.

Shaver Head

Use the shaver head for an ultra-close, smooth, pro­fes­sion­al fin­ish – or per­fect for touch­ing up the edges of your beard or stub­ble, to give it that defined look.

Ears and nose hair Rotary head

Per­fect for pain­less­ly trim­ming unwant­ed ear and nose hair with hygien­ic, rinse clean blades, this trim­mer is pock­et sized and an ide­al size for trav­el­ling.

Pre­ci­sion trim­mer blade head

The stan­dard trim­mer head can be used for trim­ming beards, stub­ble, hair and neck­lines and all over body groom­ing.

Pre­ci­sion ground blades

Fea­tur­ing long-last­ing, pre­ci­sion ground, high car­bon steel blades to give you a supe­ri­or cut­ting expe­ri­ence, designed so that your blades stay sharp­er for longer.

Vari­ety of cut­ting lengths

This kit includes a total of 4 attach­ment combs – 3 x close trim attach­ment combs and a 5 posi­tion guide comb, pro­vid­ing you cut­ting lengths from 1.5mm to 12mm, giv­ing you a wide vari­ety of cut­ting lengths.

Impres­sive 90 minute bat­tery life

Cord­less oper­a­tion gives you free­dom of move­ment and with up to 90 min­utes of con­tin­u­ous use from a sin­gle charge you don’t have to wor­ry about being short of pow­er.

Kit con­tains

Along with the Recharge­able Trim­mer this also comes with 1 x Ear and Nose attach­ment and 1 x Shaver attach­ment, along with 3 x Close Trim attach­ment combs and 1 x 5 posi­tion guide comb. The kit is also com­plete with a mous­tache comb, main­te­nance mate­ri­als and a trim­mer stand to keep all your acces­sories organ­ised after use.