Toni & Guy Brush & Shine 2 In 1 Hair Dryer Volumiser — Black


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Toni & Guy Brush & Shine 2 In 1 Hair Dry­er Volu­miser — Black

  • 2‑in‑1 hair dry­er and volu­miser for faster styling
  • Ion­ic tech­nol­o­gy for a smooth, shiny, frizz-free fin­ish
  • Acti­vat­ed char­coal bris­tles with puri­fy­ing and detan­gling ben­e­fits
  • Oval brush design for vol­ume at the roots and body through­out hair
  • Ceram­ic tita­ni­um coat­ing for even heat dis­tri­b­u­tion
  • 3 heat and 2 speed set­tings, plus cool set­ting
  • Trav­el-friend­ly plug adap­tor for UK and Euro­pean use
  • 3m swiv­el salon cord for flex­i­bil­i­ty dur­ing styling

Toni & Guy Brush & Shine 2 In 1 Hair Dry­er Volu­miser

Achieve gor­geous, volu­mi­nous hair in less time with the Toni & Guy Brush & Shine 2‑in‑1 Hair Dry­er Volu­miser. This inno­v­a­tive tool com­bines dry­ing and styling in one sim­ple step, giv­ing you beau­ti­ful­ly shiny, frizz-free results. Pow­ered by advanced ion­ic tech­nol­o­gy, it deliv­ers a smooth blow-dry fin­ish while reduc­ing frizz and sta­t­ic for flaw­less hair every time.

Designed with acti­vat­ed char­coal bris­tles and com­fort­able ball tips, the brush soft­ly detan­gles your hair while pro­vid­ing a puri­fy­ing effect. The unique oval brush design is per­fect for cre­at­ing frizz-free vol­ume at the roots and body through­out the strands. The round­ed edges help to cre­ate per­fect curls and smooth ends with just one pass, mak­ing styling a breeze.

Fea­tur­ing ceram­ic tita­ni­um coat­ing, this hair volu­miser ensures even heat dis­tri­b­u­tion for reduced hair dam­age. With 3 heat and 2 speed set­tings, plus a cool set­ting for set­ting your style, this tool offers flex­i­bil­i­ty for every hair type—from smooth to coarse. The 3m swiv­el salon cord allows for ease of move­ment, and the trav­el-friend­ly plug adap­tor ensures seam­less use across the Unit­ed King­dom and Europe.

Ide­al for fast, effort­less styling, the Toni & Guy Brush & Shine 2‑In‑1 Hair Dry­er Volu­miser is the ulti­mate tool for achiev­ing sleek, volu­mi­nous hair with a pro­fes­sion­al fin­ish. Per­fect for those who want quick, salon-qual­i­ty results every time.

Per­fect for all hair types, the Toni & Guy Brush & Shine 2 In 1 Hair Dry­er Volu­miser ensures you get gor­geous, healthy-look­ing hair with min­i­mal effort.