Tavola Swiss Wave Capsule Dispenser For 10 Nespresso Capsules, Red


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Tavola Swiss Wave Cap­sule Dis­penser For 10 Nespres­so Cap­sules, Red

  • Easy removal and assem­bly
  • Dimen­sion: 37,5×5,5×3,5 cm
  • Mate­r­i­al: Plas­tic

Tavola Swiss Wave Capsule Dispenser

Tavolaswiss GmbH was found­ed in 2000 by CEO and own­er Gre­gor Kessler. A pure ser­vice provider, tavolaswiss spe­cial­izes in design­ing, devel­op­ing, and man­u­fac­tur­ing high-qual­i­ty, inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts for the kitchen and the din­ner table. tavolaswiss’ licensed part­ners are exclu­sive importers, whole­salers, and pres­ti­gious brand-name com­pa­nies world­wide. Prod­ucts designed and devel­oped by Tavolaswiss are avail­able under the name of Tavolaswiss as well as under oth­er well-known brand names in lead­ing house­hold sup­ply shops, depart­ment stores, and online ven­dors around the globe.