Swan Windsor Rapid Boil Electric Jug Kettle 3000W 1.7 Litres — Black


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Swan Wind­sor Rapid Boil Elec­tric Jug Ket­tle 3000W 1.7 Litres — Black

  • Rapid Boil Tech­nol­o­gy (3000W Pow­er) – Boils water in under 45 sec­onds, sav­ing you time when you’re on the go.
  • Gen­er­ous 1.7L Capac­i­ty – Makes up to 7 cups of tea, cof­fee, or hot choco­late with a sin­gle fill.
  • Tex­tured Plas­tic Hous­ing with Chrome Accents – Styl­ish design with a 3D tex­tured fin­ish that adds a touch of con­tem­po­rary flair to your kitchen.
  • 360° Rotat­ing Base – Ide­al for both left- and right-hand­ed users, offer­ing easy pour­ing from any angle.
  • Con­ve­nient Push But­ton Lid – Eas­i­ly open the lid with a sim­ple push but­ton for has­sle-free refill­ing.
  • Remov­able Limescale Fil­ter – Keeps your water fresh by fil­ter­ing out limescale, enhanc­ing the taste of your bev­er­ages.
  • Water Lev­el Win­dow – Mon­i­tor water lev­els con­ve­nient­ly to avoid unnec­es­sary refill­ing.
  • Hid­den Cord Stor­age – Tidy up your kitchen work­space with a dis­creet cord stor­age com­part­ment.
  • Non-Slip Feet for Sta­bil­i­ty – Ensures safe and secure oper­a­tion on your kitchen counter.
  • Auto­mat­ic Shut-Off & Boil-Dry Pro­tec­tion – Pro­vides peace of mind by turn­ing off the ket­tle once the water reach­es boil­ing point or if there’s no water inside.

Swan Wind­sor Rapid Boil Elec­tric Jug Ket­tle 3000W 1.7 Litres – Per­fect for Fast, Con­ve­nient Boil­ing

Upgrade your kitchen with the Swan Wind­sor Rapid Boil Elec­tric Ket­tle, designed for fast and effi­cient boil­ing. With a pow­er­ful 3000W motor, this ket­tle heats water in under 45 sec­onds, mak­ing it ide­al for busy morn­ings or quick tea breaks. Its large 1.7‑litre capac­i­ty allows you to pre­pare up to 7 cups from a sin­gle boil, per­fect for fam­i­ly gath­er­ings or when you need mul­ti­ple cups at once.

Whether you’re prepar­ing a quick cup for your­self or mak­ing sev­er­al cups for guests, the Swan Wind­sor Elec­tric Ket­tle com­bines prac­ti­cal­i­ty and style. With its rapid boil tech­nol­o­gy, user-friend­ly design, and thought­ful fea­tures like the easy-pour 360° base and con­ve­nient water lev­el win­dow, this ket­tle is a must-have for any mod­ern kitchen. Enjoy a smooth, warm brew with every use!

Item Dimen­sions : H21.5 x W16.8 x D22.5 cm