Swan Catering Kettle Stainless Steel 2200W 3.5 Litre — Silver


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Swan Cater­ing Ket­tle Stain­less Steel 2200W 3.5 Litre — Sil­ver

  • 3.5L Capac­i­ty : Boils enough water for up to 15 stan­dard-sized mugs, mak­ing it per­fect for large gath­er­ings or office spaces.
  • Stain­less Steel Body : Ensures long-last­ing per­for­mance, ide­al for high tem­per­a­tures and fre­quent use.
  • Easy-to-Use Han­dle : For a com­fort­able, safe pour­ing expe­ri­ence.
  • Strix Con­trol : Auto­mat­ic switch-off and dry boil pro­tec­tion for added safe­ty.
  • On/Off LED Indi­ca­tor : A con­ve­nient light to indi­cate when the ket­tle is on or off.
  • Immersed But­ter­fly Heat­ing Ele­ment : Pro­vides fast boil­ing and even heat dis­tri­b­u­tion.
  • Detach­able Cord­ed Pow­er Cord : Offers flex­i­bil­i­ty for easy stor­age and han­dling.
  • BS Plug with 70–75cm Cord : Long enough to reach most pow­er out­lets.

Swan Cater­ing Ket­tle Stain­less Steel 2200W 3.5 Litre – Per­fect for Offices, Camp­ing & Com­mer­cial Use

The Swan 3.5L Stain­less Steel Cater­ing Ket­tle is designed for high-vol­ume use, offer­ing a 2200W pow­er out­put that quick­ly boils water for up to 15 hot drinks at once. Ide­al for cater­ing, camp­ing, offices, and light-duty com­mer­cial estab­lish­ments, this ket­tle com­bines prac­ti­cal­i­ty and dura­bil­i­ty with its sleek stain­less steel body.

This ket­tle is designed with user-friend­ly fea­tures, includ­ing clear water lev­el mark­ings, a wide open­ing lid, and a detach­able pow­er cord for easy use and stor­age. Whether you’re cater­ing for large groups, serv­ing hot drinks in an office, or enjoy­ing a camp­ing trip, the Swan Stain­less Steel Cater­ing Ket­tle ensures quick, reli­able boil­ing every time.

Upgrade your bev­er­age ser­vice with the Swan 3.5L Cater­ing Ket­tle—the reli­able choice for effi­cient, fast boil­ing!