Silverline Mini Paint Roller Frame & 10 Emulsion Sleeves Decorating 100mm Set — Multicolour


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Sil­ver­line Mini Paint Roller Frame & 10 Emul­sion Sleeves Dec­o­rat­ing 100mm Set — Mul­ti­colour

  • High-Qual­i­ty Zinc-Faced Met­al Frame : Built for dura­bil­i­ty and long-last­ing use, the gal­vanised steel frame ensures sta­bil­i­ty and strength dur­ing paint­ing.
  • 10 Medi­um Pile Acrylic Sleeves : These hard-wear­ing rollers hold paint with­out the need for con­stant reload­ing, pro­vid­ing con­sis­tent cov­er­age with each stroke. Per­fect for both oil and water-based emul­sions.
  • Ergonom­ic Plas­tic Han­dle : The long-reach han­dle is designed for com­fort and con­trol, offer­ing a firm grip for pre­ci­sion in tight or dif­fi­cult-to-reach areas.
  • Ver­sa­tile Appli­ca­tion : The 100mm mini roller head is ide­al for paint­ing around skirt­ing boards, archi­trav­es, and behind radi­a­tors, allow­ing you to access nar­row or con­fined spaces with ease.
  • Mess-Free Paint­ing : Fea­tures a paint tin hook on the han­dle, allow­ing for clean and fuss-free breaks while work­ing.

Sil­ver­line Mini Paint Roller Frame & 10 Emul­sion Sleeves Dec­o­rat­ing 100mm Set – Per­fect for Smooth & Tex­tured Sur­faces

Achieve a flaw­less fin­ish with the Sil­ver­line Mini Paint Roller Frame & 10 Emul­sion Sleeves Dec­o­rat­ing Set. This all-in-one set includes a durable zinc-faced met­al frame, 10 high-qual­i­ty acrylic mini roller sleeves, and a com­fort­able, ergonom­ic plas­tic han­dle. Ide­al for use with both oil-based and water-based paints, this set ensures smooth, bub­ble-free cov­er­age on a vari­ety of sur­faces, includ­ing smooth and tex­tured fin­ish­es.

Whether you’re tack­ling small home projects or pro­fes­sion­al dec­o­rat­ing jobs, the Sil­ver­line Mini Paint Roller Frame & 10 Emul­sion Sleeves Dec­o­rat­ing Set is a must-have for effi­cient, high-qual­i­ty results. Per­fect for detailed and pre­cise paint­ing, this set pro­vides all the tools you need to achieve a pro­fes­sion­al fin­ish with ease.