Silverline Flexible Silicone Grout & Sealant Smoother 145mm — Blue


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Sil­ver­line Flex­i­ble Sil­i­cone Grout & Sealant Smoother 145mm — Blue

  • Ergonom­ic Mould­ed Han­dle : Designed for com­fort and ease of use.
  • Flex­i­ble Tip : Ide­al for smooth­ing sil­i­cone, grout, sealants, fillers, and put­ty.
  • Smooth, Even Fin­ish : Ensures a pro­fes­sion­al result with every appli­ca­tion.
  • Durable Design : Mould­ed plas­tic han­dle with soft tip for reli­a­bil­i­ty and long-last­ing per­for­mance.

Sil­ver­line Flex­i­ble Sil­i­cone Grout & Sealant Smoother 145mm — Ergonom­ic Plas­tic Han­dle

Achieve a pro­fes­sion­al, smooth fin­ish with the Sil­ver­line Flex­i­ble Sil­i­cone Grout & Sealant Smoother 145mm. This ver­sa­tile tool fea­tures an ergonom­ic, mould­ed plas­tic han­dle for a com­fort­able grip, allow­ing for pre­cise con­trol dur­ing use. The flex­i­ble tip is designed for smooth­ing a wide range of mate­ri­als includ­ing sealants, sil­i­cone, fillers, grout, and put­ty, ensur­ing a smooth, even fill every time. Whether you’re work­ing on house­hold repairs or DIY projects, this sealant smoother helps you achieve a neat, flaw­less fin­ish with­out mess.

Box Con­tents :

  • 1 x Sealant Smoother (145mm)

Per­fect for home­own­ers, DIY enthu­si­asts, and pro­fes­sion­als alike, the Sil­ver­line Flex­i­ble Sil­i­cone Grout & Sealant Smoother is a must-have tool for achiev­ing pris­tine, seam­less fin­ish­es.