Revlon One-Step Air Straight 2‑In‑1 Dryer & Straightener — Black


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Revlon One-Step Air Straight 2‑In‑1 Dry­er & Straight­en­er — Black

  • One-Step Dry­ing & Straight­en­ing : Dry and straight­en your hair in one sim­ple step with hot air, achiev­ing a sleek, nat­ur­al look with­out com­pro­mis­ing on health.
  • Reduced Dam­age, Boost­ed Shine : Ceram­ic Tour­ma­line plates and teeth infused with nour­ish­ing Argan Oil even­ly dis­trib­ute heat to min­i­mize dam­age and add shine for a health­i­er-look­ing fin­ish.
  • Retains Nat­ur­al Mois­ture : Unique vent design ensures opti­mal air­flow dis­tri­b­u­tion, main­tain­ing 100% of your hair’s nat­ur­al mois­ture, leav­ing your hair feel­ing hydrat­ed and soft.
  • Air­Pause Tech­nol­o­gy : Con­trol air­flow with ease! Sim­ply squeeze the han­dles to acti­vate air­flow and release to pause, offer­ing con­ve­nience for sec­tion­ing hair with­out need­ing to turn the tool on and off.
  • Best for Fine to Medi­um Hair : The ide­al tool for fine to medi­um tex­tures, this 2‑in‑1 device fea­tures 6 heat set­tings (4 for damp hair and 2 for dry) to cus­tomize your styling expe­ri­ence.
  • Ergonom­ic & Con­ve­nient Design : Includes a 2.5‑meter swiv­el cord for flex­i­bil­i­ty and ease of use. Plus, the tool’s design reduces the risk of over-dry­ing, ensur­ing your hair stays healthy.

Revlon One-Step Air Straight 2‑In‑1 Dry­er & Straight­en­er — Effort­less Styling with Less Dam­age

Achieve smooth, straight hair in less time with the Revlon One-Step Air Straight 2‑In‑1 Dry­er & Straight­en­er. Designed to trans­form damp hair into nat­ur­al, straight styles with­out the extreme heat, this inno­v­a­tive tool com­bines a dry­er and straight­en­er in one, reduc­ing the risk of dam­age while enhanc­ing shine and body.

How to Use :

  1. Rough-dry hair until 80% dry and remove tan­gles.
  2. Sep­a­rate hair into sec­tions and unlock the tool.
  3. Choose the desired air set­ting (low, medi­um, or high).
  4. Place a sec­tion of hair between the plates and press the han­dles togeth­er to acti­vate air­flow.
  5. Slow­ly glide the tool from root to tip, repeat­ing until your hair is ful­ly dry and straight.

Trans­form your hair rou­tine with the Revlon One-Step Air Straight 2‑In‑1 Dry­er & Straight­en­er for a smooth, shiny, and nat­u­ral­ly straight fin­ish.