Retainer Brite Cleaning Tablets 96 Tablets


257 in stock


Retain­er Brite Clean­ing Tablets 96 Tablets

  • Kills Harm­ful Bac­te­ria : Effec­tive­ly elim­i­nates bac­te­ria that can cause plaque, tar­tar buildup, and bad breath.
  • Pre­vents Dis­col­oration : Reg­u­lar use helps main­tain the appear­ance of your retain­er or appli­ance, pre­vent­ing stain­ing and dis­col­oration.
  • Dai­ly Use : Soak your appli­ance for just 15 min­utes dai­ly for a fresh and clean result.
  • Bulk Pack : This box con­tains 96 tablets, offer­ing long-last­ing val­ue for con­tin­u­ous care.
  • Sim­ple & Con­ve­nient : Easy to use with clear instruc­tions includ­ed.

Retain­er Brite Clean­ing Tablets — 96 Tablets

Keep your remov­able den­tal appli­ances in top con­di­tion with Retain­er Brite Clean­ing Tablets. Ide­al for wire retain­ers, clear align­ers, mouth­guards, gumshields, night­guards, and brux­ism appli­ances, these easy-to-use tablets pro­vide a pow­er­ful solu­tion for dai­ly clean­ing.

Direc­tions for Use : Soak your appli­ance for 15 min­utes. For wire appli­ances, do not soak for longer than 15 min­utes; rinse thor­ough­ly with water after removal.

Ensure your ortho­don­tic devices stay clean, fresh, and odor-free with Retain­er Brite Clean­ing Tablets. Per­fect for all remov­able den­tal appli­ances, this essen­tial clean­ing solu­tion pro­motes health­i­er, fresh­er smiles.