Red Kite Quiet Time Bambino Bouncer Chair — Elephant Parade


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Red Kite Qui­et Time Bam­bi­no Bounc­er Chair — Ele­phant Parade

  • Suit­able from birth
  • Gen­er­ous and com­fy seat
  • Non­slip rub­ber feet
  • Easy to assem­ble
  • 3 point har­ness
  • Padded crotch pad
  • Sup­plied in col­or gloss dis­play box per­fect for a gift idea

Red Kite Bambino Bouncer

The Red Kite Bam­bi­no Bounc­er Ele­phant Parade fea­tures a gen­er­ous and com­fort­able seat with a three-point crotch har­ness. Suit­able from birth, its light­weight frame design is per­fect for new­born babies with non-slip rub­ber feet.

The Ele­phant Parade design is an appeal­ing neu­tral, uni­sex design.

Sup­plied in a col­or gloss dis­play box the Bam­bi­no Bounc­er is per­fect for a gift idea.