Draper Soldering Iron 100W 230V Electrical Soldering Iron Kit — Blue


6 in stock


Drap­er Sol­der­ing Iron 100W 230V — Blue

  • Sol­der­ing irons com­plete with met­al stand and 1.1 meter cable and approved plug
  • Pro­vides a sta­ble and con­stant tem­per­a­ture for all sol­der­ing tasks
  • Ful­ly assem­bled and ready to go out of the box
  • Fit­ted with eas­i­ly replace­able sol­der­ing tips
  • Great for use around the home or garage

Drap­er Sol­der­ing Iron 100W 230V

Drap­er sol­der­ing irons com­plete with met­al stand and 1.1M (approx.) cable and approved plug. The 100W sol­der­ing iron pro­vides a sta­ble and con­stant tem­per­a­ture for all sol­der­ing tasks. Ful­ly assem­bled and ready to go out of the box. Fit­ted with eas­i­ly replace­able sol­der­ing tips. A great sol­der­ing iron to have around the home or garage, designed for elec­tron­ic and auto­mo­tive appli­ca­tions. Volt­age: 230 volts.