Oral‑B Oral Health Center Irrigator Water Flosser 1 Oxyjet Nozzle 1 Water Jet Nozzle 1 iO4 Electric Toothbrush & 2 Heads — White


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Oral‑B Oral Health Cen­ter Irri­ga­tor Water Floss­er 1 Oxy­jet Noz­zle 1 Water Jet Noz­zle 1 iO4 Elec­tric Tooth­brush & 2 Heads — White
  • Com­pre­hen­sive Clean : The Oral‑B Oxy­Jet Water Floss­er uti­lizes microbub­ble tech­nol­o­gy to elim­i­nate bac­te­ria and plaque, block­ing plaque buildup and reduc­ing gum issues when used with spe­cial­ized tooth­paste.
  • 5 Water Pres­sure Modes : Cus­tomiz­able clean­ing with 5 water pres­sure modes, allow­ing you to choose the ide­al set­ting for your unique needs, from gen­tle care to more intense clean­ing.
  • iO4 Elec­tric Tooth­brush : Fea­tur­ing Oral‑B’s 3D clean­ing tech­nol­o­gy, this tooth­brush oscil­lates, rotates, and pul­sates to remove up to 100% more plaque in hard-to-reach areas than a man­u­al tooth­brush.
  • Smart Pres­sure Sen­sor : The iO4 tooth­brush includes a Smart Pres­sure Sen­sor that helps pre­vent over-brush­ing, offer­ing green and red indi­ca­tors to ensure gen­tle brush­ing and pro­tect your gums.
  • Tar­get­ed Gum Care : The Water­Jet and Oxy­Jet Tech­nol­o­gy in the water floss­er ensures a gen­tle yet effec­tive clean, tar­get­ing food par­ti­cles and bac­te­ria between teeth while mas­sag­ing and stim­u­lat­ing the gums.
  • 4 Brush­ing Modes : The iO4 tooth­brush offers four modes, includ­ing Dai­ly Clean, Whiten­ing, Sen­si­tive, and Super Sen­si­tive, to per­son­al­ize your brush­ing expe­ri­ence.
  • Long-Last­ing Oral Care : For opti­mal results, it’s rec­om­mend­ed to replace the Oral‑B iO tooth­brush head every three months.

Oral‑B Oral Health Cen­ter Irri­ga­tor Water Floss­er & iO4 Elec­tric Tooth­brush Set — Pro­fes­sion­al Clean and Gen­tle Care for Your Teeth and Gums

Achieve a supe­ri­or oral care rou­tine with the Oral‑B Oral Health Cen­ter Irri­ga­tor Water Floss­er and iO4 Elec­tric Tooth­brush set. Designed to pro­vide a com­pre­hen­sive clean, this advanced sys­tem com­bines pow­er­ful water floss­ing tech­nol­o­gy and high-per­for­mance brush­ing for excep­tion­al results. Ide­al for those seek­ing a pro­fes­sion­al clean at home, it offers deep clean­ing between teeth, puri­fy­ing below the gum­line, and over­all oral health improve­ment.

This Oral‑B Oral Health Cen­ter set pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive approach to dai­ly oral care, pro­mot­ing health­i­er gums, fresh­er breath, and a brighter smile. Whether you’re look­ing to pre­vent plaque buildup or pro­tect your gums from harsh brush­ing, this set is your all-in-one solu­tion for pro­fes­sion­al-lev­el oral hygiene at home.

Invest in the Oral‑B Oral Health Cen­ter Irri­ga­tor Water Floss­er & iO4 Elec­tric Tooth­brush for a health­i­er, more radi­ant smile!

Why Choose Oral‑B?

  • Pro­fes­sion­al Clean at Home : Com­bin­ing Oxy­Jet water floss­ing and iO4 tech­nol­o­gy, Oral‑B offers an unri­valed lev­el of care with smart fea­tures that ensure effec­tive clean­ing while safe­guard­ing sen­si­tive gums.
  • Gen­tle Yet Effec­tive : From micro-bub­ble tech­nol­o­gy to the Smart Pres­sure Sen­sor, every ele­ment of this set is craft­ed to pro­vide a gen­tle yet thor­ough clean.