Nilco Nilfresh Power Fresh Odour Neutraliser Cranberry 500ml


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Nil­co Nil­fresh Pow­er Fresh Odour Neu­tralis­er Cran­ber­ry 500ml

  • Long-Last­ing Fra­grance : Cran­ber­ry with a hint of rasp­ber­ry for a soft, fruity aro­ma.
  • Odour Neu­tral­i­sa­tion : Effec­tive­ly elim­i­nates pun­gent odors in large spaces.
  • Ver­sa­tile Appli­ca­tion : Per­fect for use in hotels, offices, restau­rants, cars, and more.
  • Easy to Use : Quick and effec­tive spray that works in just one step.
  • Pro­fes­sion­al Qual­i­ty : Ide­al for indus­tri­al and jan­i­to­r­i­al appli­ca­tions, designed for larg­er areas like chang­ing rooms and con­fer­ence halls.

Nil­co Nil­fresh Pow­er Fresh Odour Neu­tralis­er Cran­ber­ry 500ml — Pow­er­ful Odour Con­trol & Long-Last­ing Fra­grance

Trans­form any space with the Nil­co Nil­fresh Pow­er Fresh Odour Neu­tralis­er in Cran­ber­ry scent. This 500ml spray deliv­ers an intense burst of refresh­ing cran­ber­ry fra­grance, fill­ing the room with a soft, fruity scent blend­ed with sub­tle rasp­ber­ry under­tones. Not only does it envel­op large areas in a fine, long-last­ing fra­grance, but it also elim­i­nates unpleas­ant odors quick­ly and effec­tive­ly.

Ide­al for large spaces such as hotel rooms, con­fer­ence cen­ters, restau­rants, offices, bars, and more, Nil­co Pow­er Fresh is designed for max­i­mum odour con­trol with just one burst. Its water­less for­mu­la­tion makes it the per­fect solu­tion for high-traf­fic areas like chang­ing rooms, func­tion halls, and lava­to­ries, ensur­ing a clean, fresh envi­ron­ment at all times.

Whether you’re look­ing to fresh­en up your home, office, or indus­tri­al space, Nil­co Pow­er Fresh Cran­ber­ry is the go-to solu­tion for cre­at­ing a pleas­ant, odor-free envi­ron­ment. Make it the professional’s choice for effi­cient and last­ing odor neu­tral­iza­tion.