Lloytron Kitchen Perfected Automatic Non Stick Rice Cooker, 350 W, 0.8 Litre


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Lloytron Kitchen Per­fect­ed Auto­mat­ic Non-Stick Rice Cook­er 350 W, 0.8 Litre

  • Non-stick remov­able rice bowl
  • Tough­ened glass lid with stain­less steel rim
  • Keep warm fea­ture
  • Includes mea­sur­ing cup & spat­u­la
  • Capac­i­ty: 0.8ltr (approx­i­mate­ly 4 cups)

The Lloytron Kitchen­Per­fect­ed 350w 0.8Ltr Auto­mat­ic Rice Cook­er — Non-Stick is the per­fect accom­pa­ni­ment to the mod­ern kitchen. The auto­mat­ic rice cook­er fea­tures a non-stick remov­able rice bowl and a tough­ened glass lid with a stain­less steel rim. At 350w, the pow­er­ful rice cook­er will have your fluffy rice ready in no time so you can pre­pare the rest of your meal with­out hav­ing to wor­ry about whether your rice is cooked. The keep warm fea­ture means your rice will not go cold if left after it has been cooked and as a bonus, the rice cook­er comes with a mea­sur­ing cup, spat­u­la, and recipes so you can get cook­ing!