Leifheit Power 3 In 1 Floor Complete Mop & Bucket Set Medium 12 Litres Bucket With Wringer — Turquoise


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Leifheit Pow­er 3 In 1 Floor Com­plete Mop & Buck­et Set Medi­um 12 Litres Buck­et With Wringer — Turquoise

  • Com­plete Mop Set : Includes a 12-litre buck­et, pow­er­ful mop, and a long 120 cm steel han­dle, per­fect for reach­ing all areas.
  • Effec­tive 3‑in‑1 Clean­ing : Designed with Pow­er Scrub, Pow­er Pick-Up, and Micro Fibre tech­nol­o­gy for a deep­er, more effi­cient clean.
  • Ver­sa­tile Buck­et : Not just for mop­ping! The buck­et is also great for oth­er house­hold chores and even car wash­ing, with an ergonom­ic fin­ger grip and a handy pour­er.
  • Machine Wash­able Mop Head : The mop head is easy to clean, machine wash­able at up to 60°C. Replace­ment heads are also avail­able for sep­a­rate pur­chase (Arti­cle num­ber 52069).
  • Durable & Con­ve­nient : Built to last with a strong 3‑part steel han­dle, ensur­ing com­fort and dura­bil­i­ty for long-term use.

Leifheit Pow­er 3 In 1 Floor Com­plete Mop & Buck­et Set — 12 Litres with Wringer

Keep your floors spot­less with the Leifheit Pow­er 3 In 1 Floor Mop & Buck­et Set. This all-in-one clean­ing solu­tion includes a 12-litre buck­et with a built-in wringer and a durable 120 cm steel han­dle, ensur­ing ease and effi­cien­cy while mop­ping. The mop head fea­tures 3 dif­fer­ent clean­ing mate­ri­als for supe­ri­or per­for­mance: Pow­er Scrub for stub­born stains, Pow­er Pick-Up for col­lect­ing hair and dust, and Micro Fibre for retain­ing dirt, mak­ing it ide­al for all types of floors.

Trans­form your clean­ing rou­tine with the Leifheit Pow­er 3 In 1 Floor Mop & Buck­et Set, a must-have for effi­cient and effec­tive floor care. Per­fect for house­holds look­ing for a high-qual­i­ty mop that tack­les all types of dirt and stains.

Prod­uct Details :

  • Set includes : 12 Litre Buck­et, Mop with 120 cm Steel Han­dle, and Wringer
  • Item num­ber : 52110
  • Col­or : Turquoise