i‑box Glow Bedside Alarm Clock With Bluetooth Wireless Charging & Nightlight 5W Stereo Speaker — Black


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i‑box Glow Bed­side Alarm Clock With Blue­tooth Wire­less Charg­ing & Night­light 5W Stereo Speak­er — Black

  • Com­plete Bed­side Hub : The i‑box Glow is the ulti­mate bed­side com­pan­ion, offer­ing a dual alarm clock, Qi wire­less charg­ing pad, phone dock, USB port, FM radio, Blue­tooth speak­er, and RGB night­light with mul­ti­ple col­or set­tings. The phone dock is designed for hands-free movie watch­ing, video calls, or brows­ing while your phone charges effort­less­ly.
  • Wire­less Charg­ing for Has­sle-Free Con­ve­nience : Charge your Qi-enabled devices (iPhone 11, XR, XS, Sam­sung S10, and more) with ease using the built-in 5W wire­less charg­ing pad. No more tan­gled wires! Plus, the addi­tion­al USB port allows you to charge a sec­ond device such as a smart­watch or pow­er bank.
  • RGB Night­light with Cus­tomiz­able Col­ors : Set the mood with 6 vibrant RGB night­light set­tings. Choose from a range of col­ors and bright­ness lev­els to cre­ate your per­fect ambiance, whether it’s for read­ing, relax­ing, or sleep­ing.
  • Blue­tooth Speak­er & FM Radio : Stream music, pod­casts, or videos from your device using Blue­tooth con­nec­tiv­i­ty with the built-in 3W RMS speak­er. For a more tra­di­tion­al wake-up expe­ri­ence, lis­ten to your favorite radio sta­tion with the FM radio fea­ture, which can save up to 10 pre-set sta­tions.
  • Nature Sounds for Relax­ation : The i‑box Glow also fea­tures four sooth­ing nature sounds, like flow­ing water, per­fect for relax­ation and help­ing you unwind before sleep.
  • Dual Alarms for Flex­i­bil­i­ty : Nev­er miss an impor­tant wake-up again. The dual alarm func­tion lets you set dif­fer­ent times for week­days and week­ends or ensure you wake up on time with two alarms.
  • Safe­ty Fea­tures & Easy Set­up : The i‑box Glow includes a back­up bat­tery (2xAA, not sup­plied) to ensure your alarm works even dur­ing a pow­er cut. Set­ting up is a breeze with the easy-to-fol­low user guide includ­ed.

i‑box Glow Bed­side Alarm Clock with Blue­tooth, Wire­less Charg­ing & Night­light – 5W Stereo Speak­er

Trans­form your bed­side into a mod­ern tech hub with the i‑box Glow Bed­side Alarm Clock. Designed by UK audio spe­cial­ists, this all-in-one device com­bines a sleek dual alarm clock, phone dock, Blue­tooth speak­er, FM radio, white noise machine, and an RGB night­light, all packed in a styl­ish fab­ric fin­ish. Whether you’re charg­ing your phone, enjoy­ing your favorite tunes, or cre­at­ing a relax­ing ambiance, the i‑box Glow deliv­ers it all.

Why Choose i‑box Glow?

Proud­ly designed in the UK, i‑box is com­mit­ted to qual­i­ty and cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion. The i‑box Glow comes with a 3‑year war­ran­ty and an easy returns pol­i­cy. Our friend­ly UK-based cus­tomer ser­vice team is here to assist you every step of the way.

Ele­vate your bed­room expe­ri­ence with the i‑box Glow – the all-in-one bed­side clock that brings con­ve­nience, style, and func­tion­al­i­ty to your night­stand!

In the Box:

  • 1 x i‑box Glow Bed­side Alarm Clock Hub
  • 1 x Pow­er Cable
  • 1 x User Guide