Hama 1000 Beads Refill Bag — Neon Yellow


10 in stock


Hama 1000 Beads Refill Bag — Neon Yel­low

  • Improves motor skills
  • Encour­ages Cre­ativ­i­ty
  • Mess Free Play

Hama 1000 Beads Refill Bag

Chil­dren can have hours of fun cre­at­ing great designs with the Hama beads. Chil­dren can devel­op their cre­ativ­i­ty by pro­duc­ing col­or­ful bead designs; to make a 207–26 the beads can be ironed using spe­cial iron­ing paper. The peg­boards can be used again and again, which come in a vari­ety of shapes and sizes. With Hama the pos­si­bil­i­ties are end­less!