Fabsil Tent + Awning Cleaner Spray — 1 Litre


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Fab­sil Tent + Awning Clean­er Spray — 1 Litre

  • Pow­er­ful Clean­ing: Tough on dirt and odors, yet gen­tle on fab­rics.
  • Restores Water-Repel­len­cy: Revives exist­ing water-resis­tant prop­er­ties for enhanced pro­tec­tion.
  • Easy Appli­ca­tion: Spray-on for­mu­la for all-over or spot clean­ing.
  • Ver­sa­tile: Suit­able for can­vas, poly­ester, and nylon mate­ri­als.
  • Pre­pares for Water­proof­ing: Ensures your gear is ready for the ele­ments.
  • Refresh­es and Removes Stains: Tack­les dirt, grime, and musky camp­ing smells.

Fab­sil Tent + Awning Clean­er Spray — Pow­er­ful & Easy-to-Use Out­door Clean­er

Keep Your Out­door Gear Clean and Pro­tect­ed – Fab­sil Tent + Awning Clean­er Spray is the per­fect solu­tion for main­tain­ing the clean­li­ness and dura­bil­i­ty of your tents, awnings, and out­door acces­sories. This pow­er­ful, water-based clean­er is designed to tack­le dirt, stains, and odors while being gen­tle on your fab­rics. Whether you’re clean­ing your can­vas tent, poly­ester, or nylon awnings, Fab­sil pro­vides a deep clean with­out com­pro­mis­ing the mate­r­i­al.

Restore Water-Repel­len­cy & Max­i­mize Breatha­bil­i­ty – Not only does this clean­er remove dirt and grime, but it also restores water-repel­len­cy, enhanc­ing the per­for­mance of your out­door gear. By refresh­ing the fabric’s nat­ur­al breatha­bil­i­ty, Fab­sil helps you main­tain the com­fort and func­tion­al­i­ty of your tents and awnings for your next out­door adven­ture.

Quick & Easy Appli­ca­tion – This con­ve­nient spray-on clean­er is per­fect for on-the-go clean­ing. It’s ide­al for spot clean­ing or full fab­ric refresh­ment. Sim­ply spray, brush in, and rinse to restore your equipment’s appear­ance and func­tion­al­i­ty in no time. The 30.4 x 7.3 x 7.3 cm pack­ag­ing ensures porta­bil­i­ty for your camp­ing trips.

Get Your Out­door Gear Ready for the Next Adven­ture – Fab­sil Tent + Awning Clean­er Spray is an essen­tial prod­uct to restore, refresh, and pro­tect your camp­ing equip­ment. Don’t let dirt and odors ruin your experience—keep your gear clean and ready for action with Fab­sil!

Enhance the longevi­ty of your out­door gear with Fab­sil – the trust­ed brand for tent and awning care.

How to Use:

  • Brush off loose dirt and debris.
  • Spray the clean­er direct­ly onto the area to be cleaned.
  • Work in the for­mu­la with a clean brush or sponge.
  • Repeat if nec­es­sary.
  • Rinse thor­ough­ly with clean water and allow fab­ric to dry com­plete­ly.

Dimen­sions: 30.4 x 7.3 x 7.3 cm.