DeWalt ELITE CSB Cordless Extreme Premium Circular Saw Blade 165 mm x 20 mm 24T — Yellow


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DeWalt ELITE CSB Cord­less Extreme Pre­mi­um Cir­cu­lar Saw Blade 165 mm x 20 mm 24T — Yel­low

  • Thin Curve & Straight Cut­ting : Pro­vides accu­rate and clean cuts with min­i­mal effort.
  • Reduced Push Force : Makes cut­ting smoother and eas­i­er with less force required.
  • Durable Teeth : Ultra-sharp car­bide teeth ensure longer blade life and reduced splin­ter­ing.
  • Elite Series Qual­i­ty : Built to last with pre­mi­um-grade car­bide that can be resharp­ened up to three times.
  • Anti-Kick­back Design : Rein­forced car­bide tips for enhanced impact resis­tance, offer­ing added safe­ty.
  • Opti­mized Shear and Face Grind : For quick­er, smoother cuts, improv­ing cut­ting effi­cien­cy.
  • Ide­al for Dec­o­ra­tive Wood Cut­ting : Per­fect for skirt­ing boards, dado rails, and archi­trav­es.
  • Anti-Vibra­tion Slots : Min­i­mize vibra­tion, deliv­er­ing a supe­ri­or fin­ish on your projects.

DeWalt ELITE CSB Cord­less Extreme Pre­mi­um Cir­cu­lar Saw Blade 165 mm x 20 mm 24T

Upgrade your cut­ting expe­ri­ence with the DeWalt ELITE CSB Cord­less Extreme Pre­mi­um Cir­cu­lar Saw Blade. This 165 mm x 20 mm blade is engi­neered for pre­ci­sion, offer­ing smooth and effi­cient cuts through a vari­ety of mate­ri­als like MDF, chip­board, and more.

The DeWalt ELITE CSB Cir­cu­lar Saw Blade is the ulti­mate tool for pro­fes­sion­al wood­work­ers and DIY enthu­si­asts alike, pro­vid­ing a pre­mi­um cut­ting expe­ri­ence that deliv­ers pre­ci­sion, dura­bil­i­ty, and effi­cien­cy. Per­fect for a range of appli­ca­tions, it ensures flaw­less, smooth cuts every time.