Delonghi Nespresso Latissima One Pod Coffee Machine With Milk Frother 1450W 1 Litres — White


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Delonghi Nespres­so Latis­si­ma One Pod Cof­fee Machine With Milk Frother 1450W 1 Litres — White

  • 19 Bar Pres­sure Pump : For per­fect espres­so, lun­go, and oth­er espres­so-based drinks with con­sis­tent qual­i­ty and cre­ma.
  • Three Deli­cious Milk Recipes : Choose from Espres­so Mac­chi­a­to, Cap­puc­ci­no, or Lat­te Mac­chi­a­to, and cre­ate your per­fect cof­fee & milk bev­er­ages at the touch of a but­ton.
  • One-Touch Fresh Milk Sys­tem : Eas­i­ly pre­pare your favorite drinks with a sim­ple one-touch oper­a­tion, and the detach­able milk jug allows for easy refills.
  • Com­pact Design : With a space-sav­ing size of 154 x 324 x 256 mm, it fits com­fort­ably in any kitchen or work­space.
  • Easy to Clean : Remov­able water tank and milk jug are dish­wash­er safe. The descal­ing alert ensures main­te­nance is has­sle-free and your machine func­tions opti­mal­ly.
  • Ener­gy Effi­cient : Auto pow­er off and ener­gy class A++ for low­er ener­gy con­sump­tion.

Delonghi Nespres­so Lat­tis­si­ma One Pod Cof­fee Machine with Milk Frother – 1450W, 1L Capac­i­ty

Enjoy cafe-qual­i­ty cof­fee at home with the Delonghi Nespres­so Lat­tis­si­ma One Pod Cof­fee Machine. Designed for con­ve­nience, this sleek cof­fee mak­er fea­tures a 19-bar pres­sure sys­tem that deliv­ers rich, aro­mat­ic espres­so every time. With a quick 18-sec­ond heat-up func­tion, you’ll be sip­ping your favorite cof­fee in no time.

Per­fect for cof­fee lovers who val­ue ease of use, pre­mi­um taste, and sleek design. The Delonghi Nespres­so Lat­tis­si­ma One is a great choice for those who want a fast, deli­cious cof­fee expe­ri­ence in the com­fort of their home.