Delonghi Nespresso Latissima One Pod Coffee Machine With Milk Frother 1450W 1 Litres — Black


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Delonghi Nespres­so Latis­si­ma One Pod Cof­fee Machine With Milk Frother 1450W 1 Litres — Black

  • 19-bar pres­sure pump sys­tem for rich espres­so and smooth milk-based drinks
  • 3 milk recipes: Espres­so Mac­chi­a­to, Cap­puc­ci­no, and Lat­te Mac­chi­a­to
  • One-touch fresh milk sys­tem for easy, cus­tomiz­able cof­fee cre­ations
  • Com­pact, space-sav­ing design to fit in any kitchen
  • Dish­wash­er-safe remov­able water tank and milk jug for easy clean­ing
  • Descal­ing alert to main­tain machine per­for­mance
  • Ener­gy Class A++ for ener­gy-effi­cient brew­ing

Delonghi Nespres­so Lat­tis­si­ma One Pod Cof­fee Machine with Milk Frother (1450W, 1L)

Expe­ri­ence the ulti­mate cof­fee indul­gence with the Delonghi Nespres­so Lat­tis­si­ma One Pod Cof­fee Machine, fea­tur­ing a 1450W pow­er out­put and a 1‑litre capac­i­ty. This sleek, com­pact cof­fee machine offers a 19-bar pres­sure pump sys­tem, deliv­er­ing rich, fla­vor­ful espres­so every time. Enjoy your favorite cof­fee and milk bev­er­ages at home with ease, thanks to its one-touch sin­gle-serve sys­tem, which includes 3 milk-based recipes: Espres­so Mac­chi­a­to, Cap­puc­ci­no, and Lat­te Mac­chi­a­to.

With a mod­ern and space-sav­ing design (154 x 324 x 256 mm), the Lat­tis­si­ma One fits per­fect­ly into any kitchen set­up. It comes equipped with a remov­able water tank and a dish­wash­er-safe milk jug, ensur­ing effort­less clean­ing. The built-in descal­ing alert keeps the machine in top con­di­tion, pro­vid­ing you with a con­sis­tent­ly per­fect cof­fee expe­ri­ence. The 8–9 cap­sule col­lec­tion tank and auto pow­er-off fea­ture add to its con­ve­nience, while the ener­gy-effi­cient A++ rat­ing ensures it’s both eco-friend­ly and cost-effec­tive.

Ele­vate your at-home cof­fee expe­ri­ence with the Delonghi Nespres­so Lat­tis­si­ma One – where con­ve­nience meets pre­mi­um cof­fee fla­vor.