Delonghi Avvolta Class Kettle 3000W 1.7 Litre — White


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Delonghi Avvol­ta Class Ket­tle 3000W 1.7 Litre — White

  • Cher­ish the mod­ern design of the Avvol­ta ket­tle, char­ac­ter­ized by evoca­tive mate­ri­als
  • Great ease of use thanks to the trans­par­ent water lev­el indi­ca­tor and the con­ve­nient swiv­el base
  • Water capac­i­ty up to 1.7 liters
  • Add an exclu­sive touch of class to your kitchen with the Avvol­ta Class design
  • Glossy, two-toned white band­ed body with chrome design trims

Delonghi Avvolta Class Kettle — White

The Design of the De Longhi Avvol­ta ket­tle will make a styl­ish state­ment on your kitchen work­top. While With a futur­is­tic out­er shell made from trans­par­ent resin rings and fin­ished with chrome accents for a con­tem­po­rary design­er touch. With a 3 kW con­cealed ele­ment and a gen­er­ous 1.7 Litre capac­i­ty, you are guar­an­teed a quick boil in next to no time. In addi­tion, A three-lev­el safe­ty pro­tec­tion sys­tem ensures your home and fam­i­ly stay free from harm. When the water begins to boil or is lift­ed from the base The ket­tle auto­mat­i­cal­ly shuts off, and a ther­mal cut-off is on hand if the ele­ment gets too hot.

Cher­ish the mod­ern design of the Avvol­ta ket­tle, char­ac­ter­ized by evoca­tive mate­ri­als

Avvolta Class Design

Asym­met­ric rings of alter­nat­ing shades wrap the prod­uct body to caress light shin­ing on its sur­face, cre­at­ing con­trast­ing, iri­des­cent reflec­tions.

Anti-Scale Filter

Ful­ly remov­able and wash­able water fil­ter to In addi­tion ensure the puri­ty of fresh­ly boiled water for your tea or cof­fee.

Swivel Base

The 360° rotat­ing swiv­el base is ful­ly detach­able for a con­ve­nient cord­less oper­a­tion.

Water Level Indicator

The water lev­el indi­ca­tor is locat­ed on the back of the ket­tle and allows you to man­age the right quan­ti­ty of liq­uid thanks to the trans­par­ent water gauge.

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