
Black & Decker 18V Hammer Drill And Detail Sander Twin Kit With 1.5Ah Battery And 1A Charger In Soft Bag

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Black & Deck­er 18V Ham­mer Drill And Detail Sander Twin Kit With 1.5Ah Bat­tery And 1A Charg­er In Soft Bag

  • Pow­er Source: Cord­less
  • Pow­er Rat­ing: 18V
  • Bat­tery Type: Lithi­um-Ion
  • Bat­tery Includ­ed: 1
  • Bat­tery Capac­i­ty: 1.5 Ah
  • Charge Time: 1.5 Hrs
  • Charg­er Type: 1A cup charg­er
  • Prod­ucts Includ­ed: BDCHD18, BDCDS18N

Black & Decker 18V Hammer Drill And Detail Sander Twin Kit

The Black and Deck­er BCK23S1S 18V Twin Kit Fea­tures The BDCHD18 2 gear com­bi drill and BDCSS18 cord­less mouse detail sander. These light­weight and com­pact tools are an essen­tial addi­tion to any DIY­er or home­own­er’s tool­box. The ham­mer drill pro­vides the speed, torque, and bat­tery run­time you need to take on any drilling task in tim­ber, met­als, and plas­tics, whilst the high-per­for­mance ham­mer func­tion makes light work of con­crete and mason­ry drilling. The light­weight, com­pact, and ergonom­ic design of the detail sander enables you to sand the most intri­cate and uneven spaces with com­plete con­trol and com­fort.

Cord­less impact drill 18 V with 10 mm drill attach­ment and 2‑speed set­tings for more con­trol when drilling and screw­ing.

Per­cu­u­tane action of 21,000 bpm (beats per minute) is ide­al for drilling appli­ca­tions in mason­ry and con­crete.

Bat­tery details with 12,000 RPM speed and 1mm diam­e­ter of the orbit are ide­al for remov­ing paint, smooth­ing sur­faces, and cre­at­ing end­less fin­ish­es for your DIY projects.

The dust remover bag of the grinder has a fin­er mesh that improves air­flow and nutri­tion.

The drilling and grind­ing kit also includes an 18V lithi­um bat­tery with a 1.5Ah charg­er and car­ry case.

Includes : 18V Ham­mer Drill, 18V Detail Sander, 1 x 1.5Ah Bat­tery, 1A Charg­er, Soft Bag

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