Bin Buddy Deodoriser Spray Orange And Lemon 500ml


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Bin Bud­dy Deodoris­er Spray Orange And Lemon 500ml

  • KEEP BINS FRESH AND CLEAN — Stop and smell the ros­es, not the con­tents of your bin! Bin Bud­dy bin clean­ing spray can help remove those nasty smells and germs from your bin, leav­ing a pleas­ant cit­rusy fra­grance behind
  • CLEANS INSIDE AND OUT — A week­ly spray of your bin with our bin clean­er is the ide­al way to elim­i­nate odors and ensure your bin is as hygien­ic as it can be! Suit­able for the out­side and inside of your bins
  • KEEP THE BUGS AT BAY — Flies and bugs love dirty bins, snack­ing on your left­overs and mak­ing it their home; Bin Bud­dy Orange and Lemon Grass spray kills germs and nasty smells, repelling dirty bugs
  • EASY AND EFFECTIVE — Sim­ply spray Bin Bud­dy onto the sur­faces of your bin and leave for 20 sec­onds. Wipe with a clean cloth or paper tow­el – excel­lent for remov­ing food spills around the lid and sur­round­ing areas
  • IDEAL FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR BINS — Bin Bud­dy Orange and Lemon Grass spray can be used in your indoor or out­door bins to clean the inside and out, help­ing to pro­tect and keep your bin and sur­round­ing areas smelling fresh

Bin Buddy Deodoriser Spray

Bin Bud­dy Fresh Orange and Lemon Grass 500ml spray will trans­port you and your bin to a new lev­el of clean­ing! Per­fect­ly cap­tur­ing the fresh­ness of orange and lemon grass, your bin nev­er needs to smell left­overs again.

A week­ly spray and wipe of your bin is the ide­al way to elim­i­nate odors and ensure your bin is as hygien­ic as it can be! Suit­able for the out­side and inside of your bins, sim­ply spray Bin Bud­dy onto the sur­faces of your bin and leave for 20 sec­onds. Wipe with a clean cloth or paper tow­el. Excel­lent for remov­ing food spills and ingrained dirt around the lid.

Dirty bins attract a host of nasty bugs and flies which can con­t­a­m­i­nate your sur­faces and spread bac­te­ria. Bin Buddy’s bin clean­er kills germs and elim­i­nates odors, repelling bugs to keep your bins hygien­ic

Suit­able for most indoor and out­door bins and bin bags.

Have you tried our new squeeze, Bin Bud­dy Orange and Lemon Grass Spray? We are not going to go all sour on you if you haven’t, but it isn’t just us who are say­ing it’s the zest!

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