Audible Fidelity Detroit DAB/DAB Plus Retro Radio With Alarm Clock LCD Display — Green


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Audi­ble Fideli­ty Detroit DAB/DAB Plus Retro Radio With Alarm Clock LCD Dis­play — Green
  • Clas­sic Motor-City Styling : Inspired by vin­tage Amer­i­can cars, the Detroit Radio adds time­less ele­gance to any room. Large, easy-to-use but­tons and a clear LCD dis­play pro­vide easy nav­i­ga­tion for a user-friend­ly expe­ri­ence.
  • DAB/DAB+/FM Radio : Enjoy crys­tal-clear recep­tion with DAB/DAB+ for dig­i­tal sta­tions and FM radio for even more lis­ten­ing options. Auto-tune and auto-scan func­tion­al­i­ty make it sim­ple to find and save up to 30 DAB and 30 FM sta­tions for your con­ve­nience.
  • Dual Alarm Clock with Sleep Timer : This ver­sa­tile radio dou­bles as an alarm clock with week­day and week­end alarm set­tings. The radio sig­nal auto­mat­i­cal­ly keeps the time updat­ed, ensur­ing you’ll always wake up on time—no mat­ter when day­light sav­ings time occurs.
  • Pow­er and Porta­bil­i­ty : Equipped with 3W stereo speak­ers and a pas­sive radi­a­tor, the Detroit Radio deliv­ers rich, clear sound with enhanced bass. Pow­ered by either mains or 4x AA bat­ter­ies (not includ­ed), it’s per­fect for use indoors or out­doors. It also fea­tures a head­phone sock­et for pri­vate lis­ten­ing.
  • Buy with Con­fi­dence : Audi­ble Fideli­ty is a UK-based audio spe­cial­ist known for pro­duc­ing high-qual­i­ty audio prod­ucts, backed by years of expe­ri­ence.

Audi­ble Fideli­ty Detroit DAB/DAB+ Retro Radio with Alarm Clock LCD Dis­play – Vin­tage Design Meets Mod­ern Tech­nol­o­gy

Upgrade your home with the Audi­ble Fideli­ty Detroit DAB/DAB+ Retro Radio, a per­fect blend of clas­sic 50’s and 60’s Amer­i­can car-inspired styling and the lat­est in dig­i­tal radio tech­nol­o­gy. Ide­al for your kitchen counter, bed­side table, or liv­ing room, this retro radio offers a styl­ish yet func­tion­al addi­tion to any space.

Whether you’re enjoy­ing music, catch­ing up on news, or using it as a bed­side alarm clock, the Audi­ble Fideli­ty Detroit DAB Radio is your go-to radio for mod­ern dig­i­tal per­for­mance wrapped in a nos­tal­gic, retro design.

Spec­i­fi­ca­tions :

  • Out­put Pow­er : 3W RMS
  • Pow­er : 4x AA Bat­ter­ies (not includ­ed)
  • Box Con­tents : 1x Radio, 1x Pow­er Adapter, 1x User Guide