Andis Cordless T‑Outliner Hair Trimmer Lithium Ion 100–240V, 50–60Hz, Andis UK — Grey


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Andis Cord­less T‑Outliner Hair Trim­mer Lithi­um Ion 100–240V, 50–60Hz, Andis UK — Grey

  • Deep Tooth Car­bon Steel Blades : Designed for close cut­ting and detailed work, these blades feed more hair, ensur­ing clean and pre­cise trims.
  • Cord­less & Recharge­able : Enjoy the flex­i­bil­i­ty of cord­less use with a lithi­um-ion bat­tery that pro­vides up to 100 min­utes of run­time on a 1‑hour charge. The trim­mer also fea­tures an LED light to indi­cate bat­tery sta­tus.
  • High-Speed Rotary Motor : Achieve sharp per­for­mance with blade speeds exceed­ing 7,200 spm, while the qui­et motor ensures a smooth, noise-free trim­ming expe­ri­ence.
  • Light­weight & Com­pact Design : With its ergonom­ic, com­pact build, this trim­mer pro­vides excep­tion­al com­fort and porta­bil­i­ty for use any­where.
  • Easy to Clean : Sim­ply wipe the blades with a damp cloth or use a brush to clean away grease and debris, ensur­ing long-last­ing per­for­mance.

Andis Cord­less T‑Outliner Hair Trim­mer — Grey (100–240V, 50–60Hz)

The Andis Cord­less T‑Outliner Hair Trim­mer is the per­fect groom­ing tool for pre­ci­sion hair­cuts, beard trim­ming, and detail work. Fea­tur­ing deep tooth car­bon steel blades, it deliv­ers a clean, sharp cut for all your groom­ing needs, whether you’re out­lin­ing neck­lines, beards, or mus­tach­es.

Whether you’re a pro­fes­sion­al styl­ist or just need a reli­able trim­mer for per­son­al groom­ing, the Andis Cord­less T‑Outliner Trim­mer offers ver­sa­tile, high-per­for­mance trim­ming. Its light­weight design and long bat­tery life make it the ulti­mate tool for beard, mus­tache, and hair­line detail­ing. Spec­i­fi­ca­tions:

  • Pow­er Source : Bat­tery Pow­ered
  • Blade Mate­r­i­al : Car­bon Steel
  • Weight : 2 lbs
  • Dimen­sions : 8.3 x 12.7 x 24.9 cm
  • Colour : Grey

Ele­vate your groom­ing rou­tine with the Andis Cord­less T‑Outliner Hair Trim­mer for pre­ci­sion, effi­cien­cy, and ease.